Discover a Different Hiring Approach: Automate, Evaluate, Recruit

Kiru.AI, Your All-in-One, AI-Driven Recruitment Solution. Its integrated with leading job boards, have automated workflows, and ranks resumes with precision. Dive into a hassle-free hiring experience. Let Kiru guide your talent acquisition journey.

Self-Learning AI: Productivity Redefined

Elevate your candidate search to seconds with Kiru’s AI Workflows, while maintaining 98% accuracy. Unlock a new dimension of talent acquisition, faster than ever before.

Kiru's Intelligent Candidate Matching

From Acquire to Hire

Unlocking Potential, From Acquisition to Exceptional Hiring

Features for Smart Hiring

Resume Parsing

Using advanced technology to quickly find and highlight the most important details in resumes ensuring you don't miss out on top talent.

Job Description Assistant

Enhance your job posts with our AI-guided tool. Kirus’s JD assistant has been trained on over thousands of JDs from various industries across the world.

AI-Powered Matching

Achieve accurate resume matching scores and elevate your screening process with smart auto-rejection capabilities. Kiru ensures top matches, and if someone doesn't meet your specific criteria, they're automatically filtered out.

Candidate Insights

Comprehensive scorecards offering a holistic view of each candidate so that will give a complete picture, making decisions clearer and more informed.

Other Unique Features

Workflow Automation

For every job, Kiru designs a unique recruitment automated path. Using smart triggers, it auto-schedules interviews or sends tests based on a candidate’s resume score, ensuring a timely and efficient process.

Auto Interview Scheduling

This feature ensures conflict-free interview scheduling, eliminating the hassles of back-and-forth communication and potential scheduling conflicts.

Real-Time Analytics

Stay updated with our dashboard, where we can track the journey of candidates from application to hire, and get concise summaries of interviews and placements and identify recruitment bottlenecks.


Hear it from Our Clients

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